Tuesday, December 25, 2018

November 2018- Miscellaneous - Happy Pets!

An really unexpected benefit of moving is that the animals (and people) really love it here. We never once thought "oh the pets are unhappy", but seeing Pente run around, explore, play and find a lot of sunny spots has been rewarding.
 The parrots are happier too. They are less feisty around one another (I think the benefit of a much larger room) and are willing to come out a lot. Dave is really enjoying that part. I think before, they felt they needed to be on guard from a surprise snip from a neighbor.

 Look at that happy face! I like that their bedroom has a bathroom. It makes caring for them even easier.
 Pente. She's a nut.
 Well, someone is a nut. That cat is not able to be scared!
She loves these new drapes that I want her to stay out of. Of  course, being a cat, she loves to be in them!

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