Tuesday, December 30, 2008

12/30/08 - Cabin Fever Set In...Poor Pente!

Cabin fever is setting in strongly at the house. Even with working a lot and getting out to the rock club, and to the weight gym, and on bike rides, we are both getting a little stir crazy.

Don't feel too bad for us though, we are creative people. We can find ways to entertain ourselves. Today we conducted a basic physic experiment: A test of the law of gravity.

Not many things are needed to test the laws of gravity. In our case, all that was needed was an elevated surface and one willing cat.

Happily, we have both an elevated surface AND a willing cat available. The experiment is easy. Grab the cat. Climb an elevated surface with cat. Drop cat. Snap photos until said cat lands on a soft surface.

Not only were we able to provide support for the law of gravity, we discovered that science is a great form of exercise - chasing the cat for replications of the experiment got exhausting. Another unanticipated benefit of the experiment is that clearly the cat's self esteem grew. She loved being the center of two humans' attention for a span of time.

We're thinking our next experiment may deal with tensile strength. Hmmmmm....

DISCLAIMER: No cats or vegetables were harmed in the shooting of these photos.

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1 comment:

Velma said...

Please post the recipe. I would love to try this at home. We are making rolls for our New Years Party tonight (we are crazy people). HAPPY NEW YEAR!