Monday, November 26, 2018

Jan 11 to 14, 2018 - Sewing Retreat in Phoenix/Scottsdale with Lori

January had an extra treat in that Lori and I headed to Phoenix for a bag retreat! This retreat was led by Debby Hunker from Canada. It was amazing! We had such fun! We spend so much money! We made SO MANY great friends! And I got exactly zero photos of us at the actual retreat sewing.
But we did get a photo of Lori and I in the Denver airport en route to Phoenix.
The retreat was held at the 25th Avenue Fabric shop and it was a terrific venue. The room was spacious and being in a huge, well-inventoried store was a treat.
Yes, the sewing was fun, but the best was the people we met. First, Kelley from Scottsdale who was responsible for much of the logistics. Plus, a really giving, friendly and loving person.

< - - That is Peggy and me!
There was also Peggy (who I feel I've known forever), and Cary, and Kelli, and Marlys, and Chris and so many others!

< - -Kelley and Kelli
Plus I know I'm forgetting to name names of some fun folks. That's a function of memory, not caring.

< --Peggy and Marlys
The pictures I did manage to get was of us driving (I was proud to be Peggy's official co-pilot at we drove to/from the venue from our hotel in Scottsdale), and some dinners.

<- -cary="" and="" p="" peggy="">
It was such fun, that Lori and I both ended up buying a new sewing machine (Juki 2200 QVC to use and travel with). And we signed up for another retreat in a few months!

< - -Kelley and Kelli
And of course - my favorite partner in crime - Lori!

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