Sunday, December 22, 2013

10_17 to 21_2013 Quinn and Dave in the Desert; Part III Towers

In later October the Cottonwoods are usually quite colorful in Indian Creek. So we'll start off with some scenic shots. Here is North Six Shooter behind a nice show of fall color.
Here are the Bridger Jack Spires with a small lone cottonwood in the foreground, and the moon setting right over the mesa.
Here is another moon-set picture, right over the summit of Easter Island Spire.
Getting ready to head out from our camp spot to climb Easter Island and Sunflower Tower.
Here is Quinn leading the first fun pitch of Easter Island. 
Here we are on the cool summit of Easter Island which is pretty small and is dwarfed by the summits of the surrounding towers.
Here is Quinn leading the third pitch of Sunflower Tower with the Six Shooters in the far background. It was a fine day for tower climbing!
Here we are on the summit of Sunflower Tower with Hummingbird Spire behind us. 
In the morning we started the drive home and decided to stop in at Arches National Park to bag a quick spire. We chose the Barney Rubble Tower for it's quick approach and moderate single pitch difficulty (plus no crowd!). I can't say that it was a great route, but the summit was very cool.  Here I am on top.
Here is Quinn enjoying the fine climbing on the Barney Rubble Tower.
Quinn on the summit of Barney Rubble pointing to a climber on the summit of nearby Owl Rock (where there was a crowd). Pretty cool!

Oh no! Trip is over. Back to the cube farm. 


Tech World said...

Great looking pictures

Tech World said...

Great looking pictures