Wednesday, February 18, 2009

02/17/09 Analog Night at the House with Friends

Still just hanging out around here working and playing. The weather continues to be really nice for a "winter".

I finally had to ask if this is what a winter normally looks like and it seems it's not out of the ordinary. The winters here are 1000 times nicer than in DC or STL.

We continue to be entertained by that pesky cat Pente. Her newest thing is chewing. Nothing serious, but if there is a paper, a cardboard box or even a roll of paper towels, she chews on it. And I'm sure she does it just to be even more pesky than usual!

We had Roy and Lisa McClenahan came over for Analog Night. We had a great dinner, drink and listened to some old records. Pente was in the middle of all it spending more than an hour sitting in a video box. Cuckoo Cat.

At one point, Pente got that glazed look in her eyes and imagined herself back in the day....PENTE!! LIVE AT WOODSTOCK!!!

Great fun, great people. It's nice to be in Boulder.

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