Friday, January 29, 2016

01_06 to 11_2016 Mexico!! Part II

A beautiful photo of the Botanical Gardens. (Yeah, these photos are out of order. Sue us!). :)
There is a restaurant area where one can sit and eat/drink and watch amazing birds
As one would expect, some beautiful plant life at the Gardens. 
We walked along the river for a while too.
and  a bit too late, we learned the Gardens are LOADED with noseeums. It is fully a month later and we are both still scratching and scarred from these, the world's tiniest incarnations of satan. 
Evening photo at the resort.
Fine dining experience. It really is awesome there!
View from our room in the afternoon.
Sad story. We went up to our room one afternoon to find this little bird on the ground. Our best guess is he/she is a window strike causality. The bird actually lived for a few hours, before passing due to his/her injuries. Pretty sad. Pretty little bird.
Up at Eden we enjoyed a nice time hiking around.
Does that bridge look safe? Well, I'd say it was about as safe as it looked. I think we both prepped for the plunge.
Hiking around Eden
We saw several Trogons as well as other birds here.
Dave dooking it out with the Predator. This is where the Predator (the movie) was filmed. :/
The fact that the film was filmed here is a tourist attraction. Really? I'd think the birds were a bigger draw, but instead, people come for the movie and a zip line. :/
Another OSHA approved bridge. We lived.
Dave enjoying his happy hour. He has become a connoisseur of the all-you can eat/drink resorts. :)
Ha! Taken on the local bus heading to Tuito!
From the town of Tuito, we walked a fair ways. It was slow because there were so many great birds distracting us and slowing us down!
A weird, and horrific site. We heard it first - hundreds of roosters crowing. We rounded the corner to see this, a fighting cock farm. Each little t-pee has a rooster chained to it. Sad.
Finally, our destination: Rancho Primavera. Why travel almost an hour by bus, then walk miles? This is a place that is bird friendly, and where Lilac Crown live in the wild. It is also near where Katherine Renton works as a faculty member. I have followed her work for decades - she studies Lilac Crowns!

It was hot - but we were tired of feeding the noseeums so we were dressed for a blizzard.
I (sadly) did not get to see Lilacs in a flock fly over the day we were at the ranch, but we did get to meet Jasmine - a wild Lilac Crowns. She lives outside, but would clearly move into the ranch at any opportunity. She was a DOLL!
We walked the grounds of the Ranch. One can rent a room or a house to hang here. It is a possibility for a future trip.
This is the terrain where my bird's ancestors lived/live. Cool.
Photo of the Rancho patio.
A photo taken on the bus ride back to Mismaloyo. Puppy sleeping in a purse!

Not sure we'll return to Barcelos next year. We will be somewhere though!  Right now we have plans to hit Panama in May - look for some awesome bird photos from that trip-of-a-lifetime trip!

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