Sunday, December 25, 2011

12_2011 Parrot Portraits

Slow at blogging - again. So much going on. :/ Well, we took some time out to get the parrots in the living room to take some nice portraits. While I have hundreds, I picked only three to share here.

The first is Henri. He's 32 (he'll be 33 in the Spring). He enjoyed being the center of attention and was entertaining for the entire photo shoot.

The next photo is of Grace (front) and Gabbie (both 13). They did well though they didn't want to sit on the plant next to each other. This made it difficult (impossible?) to get them both in focus. Gabbie isn't a fan of new places and new things so hopefully the horror on his face isn't too apparent. :)

And finally, a photo of Ferne (left) and Clover (right). Ferne has been pretty sick lately and still is not out of the woods. We go back to the vet in about two weeks and I hope we learn things are turning around for him. He's only 17 and his cholesterol is through the roof (486). He's on two medications now and I'm trying to get him eating some high grain foods. He's doing it, but it seems he can't eat enough. He definitely seems to feel a little bit better. Hope it keeps that way.

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1 comment:

Dirk & Nancy said...

Super portraits! Great job on the lighting.