Dave and I have found some time to head out to the South Mesa Trail - our favorite near-the-house birding area. We were not disappointed!
Before even getting out of the car, we saw this gorgeous White-Crowned Sparrow. Not only is he a spectacular little guy, but he was entertaining working over the dandelion blooms.
Another great birding area is our backyard. This year, we've been happy to be visited by our first Black-Headed Grosbeaks! They've been less scarce lately - we hope they make our yard a permanent part of their daily routine.
The South Mesa Trail is loaded with Yellow-Breasted Chats. They are tricky to photography, yet Dave has been really fortunate to get many great shots.
The Bullock's Orioles have made their first seasonal appearance. Lots of fussing in the the trees and brush with their presence.
In one tree with a lot of fussing, we found Orioles fussing about a Western Tanager. Turned out it was a young male. Beautiful little guy with his Orange head just barely coming in.
Another cool textured photo of The Bullock's in his favorite tree.
Another difficult bird to get a photo of is the Gray Catbird. Lots of meowing and growling in the brush paid off when one finally hopped into the open!
And who can resist a nice portrait of the Spotted Towhee?
Dave has been busy for a year to get a nice photo of the Lazuli Bunting. FINALLY he did it! They are very skiddish.
Yet these Lazuli's were more cooperative. What a treat to see them up close and personal...
Including a tongue!
A nice shot of a pretty little Black-Chinned Hummingbird. An amazing shot of a tiny little bird!
FFinally, a photo I took...and one that is in focus! This pretty little girl was bathing and I caught a nice photo. Though plain compared to many other birds, I still think she is beautiful.
Great photos! Thanks for posting and identifying these locals so I can go out and try to see them for myself.
Great birdies! Serious lens envy....
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