In Houston for a short visit. Doing the usual things - hanging at the parents house and playing with birds of all sorts...Guineas, Ducks, Geese, Chicken, Chickies, Peafowl, Parrots... they are all here. And for those of you who think you are busy - meet the Chicken Octomom! Eight cute chickies and LOTS more eggs. Yikes.
Plus, all the Purple Martin are raising their young and a Barn Swallow has built a nest and is incubating eggs on the front porch.
Did the usual trip to Brazos Bend State Park. The heat index there was 103 so I didn't expect to see much. Still, saw a fair number of birds - Anhinga, Common Moorhen, Green Herons, Great Heron, Black-Bellied Whistling Duck, Roseate Spoonbill, Northern Cardinal, Carolina Wren, and many others.
And it's that time - time for the Peacocks to display for...anything. They seem especially enamored with the side of the house. Ever see the backside of a Peacock? Pretty cool, eh?
Saw only one gator... I think he was the same Dave and I saw last year. He was hanging out at a fishing pier and seemed to be waiting to be fed. It's the only gator I've ever seen that does that.
After Brazos Bend, we headed to a pool to chill out, then to dinner on the coast. Watching the flocks of Brown Pelicans was entertaining.
I did hear from Dave tonight. He's been sick but is still having a good time in Peru. Hard to believe we were able to (barely) communicate as internet in both locales is slow and difficult. About 1.5 weeks and he'll be home. I'm looking forward to that!
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