Still in Southern Arizona. This place has some really cool Hummingbirds. I had hoped to see a Costas Hummingbird and I did! This is not a photo of one (we didn't get a photo) but still - it's exciting. A proud Bewick's Wren poses for Dave.
A big treat in So AZ are the Vermillion Flycatchers. Here is a nice photo of one with a bug on a wire. Gorgeous!
Check out this beauty. I've seen very few of these Pyrolloxias. They are like primitive Cardinals. In fact, their song to me is like a truncated Cardinal song.
A male Black-Headed Grosbeak stops to pose for Dave. Look at the bill on this seed crusher!
Maybe not the most elaborate bird, but Mexican Jays are awesome. Maybe it's their personality? They have quite a presence.
A Mexican Jay glugs some cool water from a pipe.
A White-Breasted Nuthatch finds a cool drink in Mary Jo Ballatore's backyard.
A Bridled Titmouse. Handsome birds!
A common bird some may say, but I love the Pine Sisken. They are described as Goldfinch in disguise and that is a really excellent description.
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