Another day, another new climbing area. Today we went to Crystal Crag. This crag, located at an elevation of 10,100 feet is located in Mammoth above the Dike Wall, which is above Lake Mary, which is above Lake George, which is above Mammoth.
We hiked up to the wall passing some snow. Still, We hiked in shorts and shirts. It was warm. After switchbacks, lots of horse poo on the trail (why can't vegetarians poo on the trail too?), gorgeous views and crossing the talus field, we arrived.
It was a gorgeous area. Why is it named Crystal Crag? Because it is made of a lot of crystal. Lots of small and large white crystal chunks littered the base of the crag. Like a kid on crack, I kept stuffing pretty little pieces of crystal in my pack.
Sparkly! So pretty! Must have! I think I added ten pounds to my pack - why? :)
It was easily evident I would play belayer again. Dave climbed and climbed and climbed. The wall, he said, looked pretty straightforward, but the routes proved to require lots of balance and delicate moves. Except when they required power to pull a roof.
Though we arrived hot from the hike, it didn't take long for my body temperature to fall. I started breaking out the layers then running to the granite to soak up heat between each pitch. Brrrr.
Because of my constant seeking of heat, I managed to fail in my photographic responsibilities. I got only a few photos of Dave climbing. Sorry.
After the hike down, we hung out in Mammoth a bit to eat some Mexican food. Or should I say MONSTER SIZED PLATES of Mexican food. We have enough left overs to feed us for a couple of days! Good times!
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