Happily Dave woke up feeling much better. Not 100%, but he certainly had some energy and looked far better. Originally, we’d planned to do Cardinal Pinnacle as his birthday climb, but he felt it was better to wait another day until he felt even better.
So, though it was Dave’s birthday, it was I who got a great gift – a trip to Owen’s River Gorge! Steep, edgy, climbing – just what I love! We headed down into the gorge. It was warm. I didn’t have to wear multiple layers. It was heaven!
We started at the Social Platform wall. We started on a 10a - I think it was called Nirvana. We next did a climb called Expressway (11b).
Expressway is the ideal climb to me. And I onsighted it. I almost cried from happiness because I’d wondered if I could even climb the stuff I am used to anymore. I can! This was an important moment for my climbing head. Only days before I’d given up on climbing completely. I thought I’d have to take up knitting, or coloring with crayons or sculpting with toenail clippings or something.
One climb and I was a motivated and strong climber again.
The sun forced us to move across the river to a shaded area. We ended up at the Pub Area were we climbed a 10a, 10c, & 10c to the right. What a super fun day!
We headed back to camp and Dave opened his gifts and we enjoyed another beautiful sunset. Later that evening, we were artistically inspired. I drew a cartoon of the Owen’s River Gorge and how Dave was able to hone in on a crack. At Owen’s. This is edge heaven! Not crack heaven. Sheesh.
Not to be outdone, Dave took the pen and created a beauty. You can see he opted for a compare and contrast piece of artwork between Owen’s and pretty much everywhere he loves to climb. Clearly you can see he exaggerates. *snicker* Great job Dave! Haha!
It was a perfect evening: Dave, me, the cat and our new pet mouse.
1 comment:
You guys crack us up! We enjoyed the drawings! :o)
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