Tuesday, June 7, 2016

04_17_to_22_2016 High Island Texas Birding, Spring Migration!!! Part II

Can't resist a wooden cut out and an opportunity to caress a mermaid. :)
A favorite bird - and one I was so happy for Dave to see the first time (last year; but saw many more this year) was the Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher. They are just gorgeous and elegant birds!
Neotropic Cormorant. Note the beautiful eye color.
And of course...gators. They are everywhere in the swampy areas around Houston. I just love seeing them. The flooding had driven many out on to the pavement. Here's little guy we encountered in a parking lot.
Beautiful male Orchard Oriole enjoying nectar from a flower.
It rained a lot while we were there and as a result, we got to enjoy some crazy scary skies. We'd headed up to a nearby area when this storm came in. 
Time to get back, before we couldn't due to flooding!
Male Scarlet Tanager happily feasting on food after his long migration.
Blackpoll Warbler! These birds are super heroes.  This tiny 4" bird has the longest migration of all the warblers. Their migration route averages 1,900 miles. Yes, 1,900 MILES - that is not a typo.

This was a life bird for both of us!

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackpoll_warbler
No one can ever see a Male Painted Bunting enough. These must be the most colorful songbirds in  North America.
The flooding brought out the turtle too.
Peeps! Peeps! Peeps everywhere!
Lovely portrait of a Neotropic Cormorant.
Laughing Gull.
Larger peep. I've already lost my meager shore birding ID skills.
This flock had an assortment of skimmers, gulls and terns. Beautiful.
Dave really got a beautiful photo of this Tricolored Heron with a snack.
And more peeps.
Another male Summer Tanager dining after a big flight.

 More in part III

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