Wednesday, October 2, 2013

09_04_2013 Vedauwoo Wyoming - weekend climbing

Dave and I hopped in the pop-up campus and headed to Vedauwoo, Wyoming for the weekend in early September. There we met our friends Bob,  and Mary Jo and their two dogs.

The goal? R&R, climbing and some mountain biking.
The weather was really nice. I found it to be perfect napping weather. And I found some perfect rocks to serve as a bed.  The R&R part of the trip was a success. :)
Others found the rocks (and sun) suitable for napping too. Here Bob is lounging with Elfie (in his lap) and Zuni (on the rock).  The dogs ran and played and played and ran until they were completely exhausted. Elfie often dozed off in some pretty funny positions.
Hanging at the 'Voo.
This is one wall we spent time climbing. It was vertical-to-over-hanging. Good routes. The sort of formation is not typical of Vedauvoo which is known for brutally sharp/crystally off-widths. 
Pente also enjoyed the trip. By day, she hung in the pop-up, by evening she sat with Dave and tormented Elfie who was curious about her.
Campsite hanging out
Dave heads up some other route.  It was a fast weekend, but quite fun. We came home through Ft. Collins and had dinner in the downtown area. Great time!

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