03_29 to 04_01_2012 Rancho Palos Verdes - Birds! Part III
This is the last one of birds! I promise (well for this trip anyway). We did spend a little time on the shore. It was fun as I saw and Dave photographed a few new birds for us. Yeah, they're uber common - but not where we are! First up is the Wimbrel. Elegant bird with a long curved bill. I really enjoyed watching them daintily walk around feeding on stuff in the rocks.
We also got a huge kick out of Surfbirds (next photo). I was trying to figure out what these crazy birds who were being pummeled by the surf were called. As I read the description in the guide, they acted as if they could hear me. No doubt that these were Surfbirds. Jolly little birds to watch!
Black Oystercatchers are pictured next. I'd seen some many years ago when I lived in DC and flew to Oregon for a trip. Aren't they trippy! I especially love the color around their eyes. And their bill just simply looks fake. Fun birds!
While watching the Surfbirds, we realized some of the birds were different. They were in fact turning over small rocks as they hunted. The guide confirmed that these are Black Turnstones. Clever name. :)
Next is a Brown Pelican complete with reflection in the Pacific.
And a Black Phoebe who was playing on the beach. There was one other Black Phoebe around and they were busy trying to get the other one to go away.
An excellent photo of an Allen's Hummingbird sticking his tongue out is next. It's always fun to see a bird's tongue. Isn't the gorget on this bird amazing?
Surfbirds get crabby it appears. Lots of rocks. Lots of stuff to eat, yet there was some tension flaring up here and there among the birds. What do you think the one is saying to the other?
We enjoyed watching two Northern Mockingbirds at the Botanical Gardens. They always make me think back to the one I raised (Beaujolais) in Houston in 1994. Sweet birds.
Another Bushtit in a flowering Cherry Tree. Cute little birds. Kaufman calls them Birdlets!
Next pictured is a beautiful Raven. He was strolling along at the Botanical Gardens. So elegant.
This is a nice photo of an elegant California Towhee again.
And finally, one more Allen's Hummingbird. Tomorrow I'll post more photos. For now, it's time for bed!
I promised to list all the birds we saw on our bird walks. Here they are:
American Crow Starling White-Crowned Sparrow Northern Mockingbird Black Phoebe American Goldfinch Western Scrub Jay Yellow Rumped Warbler Mourning Dove California Towhee California Gnatcatcher Western Gull ?? Tern Peafowl Brown Pelican Black Oystercatcher Black Turnstone Surfbirds Whimbrel Pelagic Cormorant Bonaparte Gull Great Blue Heron Song Sparrow House Finch Red Tailed Hawk Robin Allen's Hummingbird Downey Woodpecker Bushtit Lesser Goldfinch Coopers Hawk Mallard Red Shouldered Hawk Raven House Sparrow Harris's Hawk (does it count?) Kestral Spotted Towhee Baltimore Oriole Bullock's Oriole Hooded Oriole Orange Crowned Warbler Ruby Crowned Kinglet Hermit Thrush Common Yellow Throat Townsend's Warbler Cedar Waxwing Great Tailed Grackle American Coot Ruddy Duck Great Egret Canada Geese Double Crested Cormorant Pied Bill Grebe Tree Swallow Black Crowned Night Heron Cinnamon Teal Chinese Geese Snowy Egret Western Blue Bird Pipits Peking Duck Pigeon Green Heron Northern Shoveler Anna's Hummingbird Ring Billed Gull ??? Loon Bufflehead Least Sandpiper ??? Merganser
1 comment:
Super list! You can never have too many bird photos! Looks like a fun trip!
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