I admit it. I'm tired. And I'm behind. But I'm catching up. The last few weeks have wrecked my already over-committed schedule. Arg.
It's been difficult. Generally having a healthy to-do list if very motivating to me. It's clear now that when the healthy to-do list grows to an unmanageable length, I'm temporarily paralyzed. It seems over-whelming. Happily I got past that today and am about one day from the normal over-committed self that I am.
So I'm at home working and trying to catch up. But looking out the window is distracting. And awesome. It's like a wildlife show all day long. First, the leaves. The leaves on the tree out back are on fire. We don't remember seeing them so beautiful before.
And the birds. So many birds eating, playing, drinking and bathing. I could watch this for days and never get bored. Today I saw a Red-Breasted Nuthatch and several Downy Woodpecker's drinking. Seeing Flickers never gets old. The bird bath/drinking fountain is the best!
Then there are the squirrels. Today a regular fatty was moving around the deck taking care of any dropsies from the feeder. There was also a new svelte athletic squirrel. That thing could jump! He was jumping about 7 feet and landing on the bird feeder. Rascal. I tried to get a photo, but I couldn't time it right. Check out the photo that looks just to be a view of the deck - the third photo here. On the left margin, just below the suet feeder you'll see his head and his out-stretched Superman arm. He was en route to the seeds!
Yet another squirrel developed a fascination with the screen door. All day long he was crawling around on it. Crazy.
Later when it got dark, there was plenty of entertainment. First Pente's new fascination with Dave's cast. She sits on it (and sleeps on it) whenever possible. And she clearly believes it is a custom scratching post. Ugh. Plus, Pente loves to box through the barstools. She never uses her claws, but is happy to pummel the opponent with her mitts. This never gets old.
Not much else. I am just reveling in the mundane-ness and beauty of it all. :)
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