One of the things I really enjoy is putting up bird feeders and getting to know our neighborhood birds. This time of year is especially nice as parents are bringing their recently fledged youngsters to the feeders.
I guess that is going to have to stop. :( At 3 am I woke up to some noise on the upstairs back deck. In the darkness I thought I saw a VERY LARGE raccoon so I flipped on the light.
It was no raccoon. It was a black bear. On the back porch. Snorting and looking for food while peeing. Gross. After I yelled and woke up Dave with a "HOLY CRAP THERE IS A BEAR ON THE BACK PORCH!!!" it occurred to me that I didn't know what to do. Do we call someone? We opted not to make it mad (given the tight quarters of the porch), and instead took a few photos. The ones where he was on the deck didn't turn out (we weren't about to open the sliding glass door - do you see it's claws?). We waited until he was heading downstairs to shoot a few quick shots.
He didn't actually eat any seeds or even destroy any feeders. Still, I've learned that they can and will. For now, we'll be sure to bring them in the house at night. That's a drag. Oh well, I like bears, just not on the back porch! At least he didn't decide to come into the house to help himself to the kitchen. It happens.
Bears, oh my!!! In Eldo a few years ago I had to wrestle a bird feeder from a bear...the next night he left a steaming pile in our back yard after he found I'd removed all the bird feeders! You'll probably be able to put the feeders out in a few weeks--bears coming out of hibernation are Hungry!
Bears, oh my!!! In Eldo a few years ago I had to wrestle a bird feeder from a bear...the next night he left a steaming pile in our back yard after he found I'd removed all the bird feeders! You'll probably be able to put the feeders out in a few weeks--bears coming out of hibernation are Hungry!
Lions and tigers and bears oh my!
At least here in OZ the large carnivores stay in the ocean (and they aren't that smart -can't open jars or recognize coolers in cars.)
They just eat anything - which may be just as bad!
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