What to do after foot surgery? We kept busy here. The first couple of days, we binged on movies...good movies...bad movies...silly movies...kid's movies...endless movies.
After that, mom and I moved on to bigger and more interesting projects. First WE recovered all the barstools in the house with a nice ultra-suede like fabric. You can see that I was of great help documenting the activities and napping for the two of us.
After a day of that fun, we got out the sewing machine. The first project was to make several stuff sacks for climbing to Dave's specifications. They turned out great. We made four which we think will last us a lifetime. Very cool.
Henri came out to keep us company during some of this time.
Next we made some pants for me. And some cruiser-riding clothes for Dave. The cat was especially "helpful" during our sewing. She loved red material (or hated it?) and found sitting on the pattern pieces and directions especially helpful.
For an early Christmas gift, mom got me a new sewing box (MUCH needed) and the old one was given to Pente. I think Pente has thought it was hers all along given the scratching post she'd turned it into. With it emptied out though, it offered much greater adventures than just sharpening her claws on it.
Rachel and Jim sent a get-well plant to me. During the few days it's been here it has exploded with flowers. The flowers almost look fake. I'm hoping I don't kill the poor plant. So far so good!
Mom left this morning. In less than a month she'll get her knee replaced using image guidance. Here's hoping her recovery is as smooth as mine has been so far!
After she left, I decided to finish a pair of pants. It was only then that I realized the drugs do affect my cognitive ability...I couldn't figure out how to put them together! If you sew then you know that it does not get easier than sewing pants - yet, I was shut down. :)
Recovering has never looked like so much fun! I am hoping that you are back on your feet and hanging from fingers soon.
(I like the use of headlamp for sewing)
After she left, I decided to finish a pair of pants. It was only then that I realized the drugs do affect my cognitive ability...I couldn't figure out how to put them together! If you sew then you know that it does not get easier than sewing pants - yet, I was shut down. :)
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