I thought I'd post the rest of Pente's new wardrobe. These are three very cool little dresses. I can't promise that more won't be made (as I'm sewing other things), but I'll stop with the blogging about them. :) Hey, it could be worse, I could post more bunion surgery gross photos!
She's a mellow little cat and she does like these clothes. Dave saw last night for the first time her prancing in the shimmery dress. He couldn't believe his eyes! The ways she walks in them when she's feeling pretty is hysterical.
Foot surgery number two was on March 15th, almost exactly three months after the first. It's been a different experience, but still it's not been too big a deal. I feel like the foot is healing faster this time. There is way less swelling. Still excellent bruising. And oddly, a wee bit more pain, though overall I wouldn't call it painful. The worst part was I didn't handle the anesthesia so well this time. I paid for several days for that. Blargh.
I stopped using crutches at about a week. Last time, people had to pry my crutches away from me at about 2.5 weeks. And even then, I carried them with me 'just in case.' It is clear where the saying 'it's like a crutch' comes from!
As noted in the previous few blogs, I spent my first week of recovery at home with Dave and my Mom helping. Dave had a fair amount of work to do so during the day, Mom and I made lots of clothes (not only for the cat).
She's since gone home and I've continued sewing. Got two skirts and one cat dress done yesterday. Today the sewing machine is out getting a tune-up. Can't wait to get it back!
Today we went to get the stitches out. Hurrah! Plus, we got to see the post-surgery x-rays. I was anxious to see these since the morning after the surgery, I tripped on the crutches, fell and caught my full body weight on my surgery foot. Not pleasant and even more scary.
Happily the foot looked good so I didn't mess up the work.
Enjoy the before and after x-rays. And the stitch removal photos. Some of the bruising is actually showing in these photos! Two more weeks and I get to wear real shoes. Six more weights and I can start climbing again.
The first photo is a before surgery x-ray. The second has both the 'after' and the 'before' x-ray. The third is a close up of 'after'. I think the rest are self-explanatory.
Due to popular demand, I'm posting some more of Pente's new fashions. As you'll see, she now has an outfit for most any occasion. They range from a casual spring-day stroll, to an outfit purrrfect for Carnival! They show her down-home hillbilly side as well as her bad-cat-where's-my-Harley side.
Can you believe that with all the outfits you're seeing, there are several I've not even posted? There is the pretty purple batik dress. And the tiger-strip dress (she looks HAUT in that one). She's one lucky cat!
Already when she is walking around the house without clothes on, she seems naked. Bizarre.
She continues to really enjoy prancing around in her little costumes. Who knew any cat would be such an attention hog?
In all seriousness, we didn't spend this time just making cat dresses. We ended up making several dresses for my two nieces who live in Houston. We made a very cool bird blind that Dave will be using for his bird/wildlife photography. We made four pair of slacks, four skirts, three jackets and a new dress. I have fabric to make more now too.
It's been great fun having the machine out again. We don't have a good place to keep it out in the house so it means an instant mess to use it. Maybe I'll get it put up by Monday after I finish the rest of these clothes.
This winter, Dave has been more active with his photography. He's upgraded some equipment and just been making time to get out and take some photos.
To my joy, he is focusing a lot on birds. And he's finding the challenges of photographing birds quite fun, and well, challenging! He's taken some really great shots already.
I thought I'd post this blog to show some of the beauties he's taken.
Pente pranced around all day yesterday in her new pink dress. It was clear she needed more. So today, we present Spring Pente in her Ladybug Dress. This one is more formal than yesterday sundress. Notice the petticoat, and extra lace on the necklace.
Very pretty Pente!
Dave was concerned that Pente's active side was being ignored, so mom designed the Camo-Cat outfit. Pente skulked around the house in battle mode with this outfit on. She was ready for any hunting activity!
It has been suggested that we make her a Monkey Grinder outfit. Don't put it past us!
DISCLAIMER: Dave is not involved with the cat dress up in any way shape form or fashion.
For whatever reason, I rarely talk about work here. Not sure why since I really enjoy my work and I like much where I am working. So while I lounge around convalescing, I thought I'd add a short little work blog.
I am on faculty at the School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado - Denver. As an Associate Research Professor, my responsibilities are research, teaching and service.
I've been there about a year already! And it's been a good year. I've managed to get a lot published and I have a lot in the hopper right now.
It's been fun being here - I've expanded the areas I'm working in which is quite fun. The students are really very good and happy to be in class. I find them very participatory and just a fun group of people. I take the bus from Boulder to Denver (30 minutes) then walk a few blocks downtown on 16th Street Mall to get to my office. It's a great area to be in!
For anyone who is interested, you can read more about the type of research I do on my vita on my university webpage: http://www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/SPA/FacultyStaff/Faculty/Pages/CallieRennison.aspx
Foot surgery #2 was on Monday morning. Dr. Shonka is fond of saying that bunions are like snow flakes and that the surgery and recovery for each foot can be very different. Of course, he is correct. This one has been very different. Still, I'm surviving (yay hydrocondone) and the foot is healing. Maybe I'll yap more of the foot later.
For now, I'll say that mom is in town to help again so we pulled out the sewing machine for a sewing bonanza. It helped that we got 12" plus of snow today so going out wasn't an option.
With a sewing machine at our disposal and a healthy does of vicodin, nothing in our path has gone unnoticed. And that includes Pente the Cat. Today I want to introduce Pente's newest Spring outfit.
She actually loves this outfit. She pranced around in it all afternoon requesting more and more ohhs and ahhhs from the admiring crowd. Tomorrow we have a whole new outfit in store for her and her fans!
Oh, and speaking of snowflakes - we've had a lot lately. Glad they are not bunions falling from the sky.
DISCLAIMER: Dave is not involved with the cat dress up in any way shape form or fashion.