As I mentioned, we arrived in Mexico on the 25th. On that, our first day, we just had time to set up camp, have dinner and go to bed. Our first day of climbing - the 26th - we did a route called Dope Ninja, a six-pitch 5.10b climb. We are camping close enough to the walls to walk in.
The only danger being here is a loose pit bull. He lives in a house between camp and the walls. He's not on a leash or in a fence. He has bitten several climbers walking by on their way to the wall. Some of his attacks have been from sneaking up from behind, then chomping the person on the thigh so we have to watch even after we've passed. When we approach where this dog lives, we pick up big rocks in hopes of being able to bean the bastard should he come after us. Not sure who I'm kidding - if I see it coming at me, I will bust a vessel and drop dead with rocks in my hands.
Anyway, we switched leads on the climb and summitted quickly. At the top, we took our standard summit photos and enjoyed the view. Also, we found a small group of trinkets left behind by earlier climbers. Very cool.
After the climb in 99 degree weather, we headed back to camp for a shower, dinner and drinks. It was a fun day again. How could it be bad? :)
Tomorrow we are getting up early and doing a 12 pitch climb called Estrallita (i.e., little star). Should be fun!
We arrived in El Potrero on the 25th and set up camp. It was too late to do any climbing, so we instead just relaxed around El Posada, where we are staying. I'll post a lot more later, but for now, I've got the following photos to share. The internet connection is a bit slow. Tomorrow (or the next day), after the computer has charged, I'll be able to get up more photos and text without testing my patience!
It's been BAKING HOT here since arriving. We heard it was 99 yesterday and today wasn't much cooler. Hopefully it does cool off some tomorrow and the next day as it is suppose to. We could use that!
In February, both Dave and I caught the crud. He got it first and got is worse than I did. We're both better, save a bit of hacking now and then. Still, I mention it just to get to post the following photo. Dave, in an effort to fight off the crud wanted to hide in his sleeping bag. The cat joined him, and the outcome is shown. I guess it worked since he is doing much better and we're in Mexico as I post this...
Coming soon - some photos from our trip in El Potrero Chico, Mexico!
Still just hanging out around here working and playing. The weather continues to be really nice for a "winter".
I finally had to ask if this is what a winter normally looks like and it seems it's not out of the ordinary. The winters here are 1000 times nicer than in DC or STL.
We continue to be entertained by that pesky cat Pente. Her newest thing is chewing. Nothing serious, but if there is a paper, a cardboard box or even a roll of paper towels, she chews on it. And I'm sure she does it just to be even more pesky than usual!
We had Roy and Lisa McClenahan came over for Analog Night. We had a great dinner, drink and listened to some old records. Pente was in the middle of all it spending more than an hour sitting in a video box. Cuckoo Cat.
At one point, Pente got that glazed look in her eyes and imagined herself back in the day....PENTE!! LIVE AT WOODSTOCK!!!
Great fun, great people. It's nice to be in Boulder.
February brings fun around the house. Hanging with the pets (or the pets hanging on us). The weather has been great. We've been outside climbing, road biking, and Dave has done some mountain biking. And then there has been the various gear sorting activities to keep us busy.
We've been able to see some friends too. Jeremy and Naomi were in town from Western Colorado and came by for a visit and breakfast. And, they me the birds. I love these two photos of them! It's such fun to have seen them. Hopefully we don't wait so long until our next rendezvous.
Days later, Andres R came to town to visit some friends and we met him and his g'friend Layla at a party. I worked with Andres at UMSL. It was his first time to Boulder. He loves it - the views, the weather, the atmosphere. He may be ruined for returning to STL - sorry! :) The party was lots of fun - many interesting people.
The hosts had two very cute cats. One was a little grey kitten who really liked Dave (and vice versa). In fact, the kitty fell asleep in his arms for a while during the party. I had to check under Dave's coat when we left to insure there was no cat smuggling going on!
Dave and I headed to New Jersey for some business and fun. We spent the first part of our trip in the Ewing area which is really quite nice. As busy as we were, we failed to take many photos that we should have. This is the theme of our NJ trip.
After spending time in the Ewing area, we went to Princeton to visit our friends Fred and Amy - climbers.
We actually took some photos here of Fred, Amy and their cat Poookie. This was one friendly cat - he actually sat still for photos unlike a pesky Boulder based cat I know. :)
We stayed at their home and enjoyed a really great meal there. Then we went to the rock gym (no photos), and drove around Princeton (no photos) and had lunch in a fun little place (no photos).
We then drove up to Northern NJ to Mountain Lakes to see Dave's brother and his family. Amazingly, we took absolutely no photos. Not one. We enjoyed a delicious dinner of lasagna, hanging at their bar, and watching the second half of the superbowl. I finally got to meet everyone and had a blast. Emma, his niece, and I became Facebook friends. Great time! (And no photos. Gack.)
Then it was back to Philly and home. It was a fast five days and I was wiped out when we got home.